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Sunday 28 January 2018

UKJK PTD M41 2018

Assalamualaikum semua. 

Lama betul tak update blog. It's been a while. :) I hope everyone is doing good.

Last week I ada attend UKJK PTD M41. The last time I tried was in 2016. It's been 2 years already. So ada sedikit perubahan compare tahun 2016 dengan 2018. Kalau dulu, UKJK combine with PAC. But this year, pihak SPA dah separate kan the test. Anyway, never ending story betul nak apply PTD ni. Hehe. Insyaallah ada rezeki ada. Never give up and always give a try.

Okay. I nak cerita sikit lah dengan UKJK 2018 ni. The components are still the same. 1)BMI, 2)Saringan kesihatan, 3)Curl Up, 4)Sit & Reach,  5)Hand Grip, and last but not least the test that scared the candidates the most is Bleep Test huhuhu.

Okay this year yang I tau UKJK dia buat setengah hari je. So dalam email akan bagitau sama ada you session pagi or session petang. Mine was morning session. Okay lah. Sebab I memang tak reti if dapat petang, lepas lunch hour nak buat test semua tu I memang tak reti. Thank God dapat pagi. This year I dapat near to my house so no need to travel jauh2 macam last 2 years hehe. Anyway, I sampai 6.50 macam tu, took my breakfast which is pisang and minum air masak je. Lepas tu terus cari dewan and register. Lepas pegawai check surat panggilan dan check document kita, pegawai akan bagi no giliran dan kita kena beratur dalam 5 person untuk ambil gambar. New Process for me. Sebab dulu takde ambil gambar. Hihihi.

Okay lepas ambil gambar, masuk dewan isi borang semua and make friends. Yeayy. I dapat kawan baru. Important to make friends supaya you selesa sepanjang program. Takkan nak senyap je kan. Around 8.30 macam tu, pegawai start bagi taklimat and after that we start the test.

This time, we rotate in group of 15 person buat BMI, Ujian Saringan Kesihatan, Sit & Reach and Handgrip. So yang tinggal curl up dengan bleep test tak buat lagi. Kalau dulu, masa rotate buat ujian tu we did curl up as well. But this time, the officer kumpulkan kita semua then only we do the curl up. So masa curl up tu, semua candidates tengok you buat. Nasib lah kan kalau you tak boleh bangun langsung tu. Huhu. Tips untuk curl up ni kena praktis selalu. I buat hari2 like after kerja i baring kat lantai I buat hari2. Sebab kalau you tak buat hari2, memang tak boleh naik. And masa u nak naik tu, breath out, masa turun breath in. Thats the tips. Ahh btw, last 2 years pegawai pegang kaki kita masa curl up. But this year, dieorg tak pegang kaki. Tapi kaki mesti kena jarak sikit supaya senang bangun. And you are lucky if you get kind officer. Dieorg bagi support kat you tau. Rasa semangat sikit nak buat betul2. 

Untuk hand grip, sama je macam dulu. No different. Tips here, adjust jarak before you buat hand grip tu. Kalau jarak besar memang susah tangan you nak grip, hence low point. Untuk sit and reach pun sama juga no different compared to last year. The tips here, tarik nafas panjang2 then terus lunjurkan tangan you. Bent your body as much as you can. Insyaallah boleh dapat tinggi point. Ada yang dapat maximum point tau!. Please make sure do warm up first. 

Last but not least bleep test yang scary tu. I memang takde praktis lari. Balik kerja memang malam and weekend tak free plus sometimes hujan etc so I memang takde praktis. Kadang2 I lari2 anak dalam rumah. Ade gile ko hahahhaa. Terpaksa la kan. And ada sekali I free I pergi gym berlari kat treadmill. Itu pun sekali tu jela I pergi. So I asked my friend what is the tips for bleep test? She told me, bernafas ikut hidung. In and Out memang through hidung. I dont know la whether tips ni betul ke tak but I tried my result is better compared to last year. 

Ok after kita habis kita punya bleep test, boleh terus balik no need to wait. Sebabnya result takkan bagitau time tu kan. So boleh la balik. Kena pulangkan dulu no giliran tu dekat pegawai kat luar dan pegawai akan bagi link untuk jawab soalan Psikometrik pulak. Haaa yang ni memang lain. Dulu takde pun psikometrik ni but this year kena jawab. You have to answer it 1 week after your UKJK. I belum jawab lagi I punya ujian psikometrik. Later, bila dah jawab I will share with you guys okay.

See Ya,


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Happy Eid Everyone. It's been a while since I posted in this blog. Wishing everyone eid mubarak.

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